Vision & Mission

Our community is proud of our mission statement!

It energizes our daily work and calls us to great meaning and purpose.

 Sacred Heart School of Glyndon nourishes spiritual and academic growth within a loving, safe, and diverse community centered on Catholic values and academic excellence.

Sacred Heart School strives to be celebrated as a Catholic School of destination that embodies loving, learning, and serving.

We encapsulate this mission in our motto:

Loving. Learning. Serving. 

These words also reflect our purpose, our reason for coming to school each day and taking on this most important work. Our mission and motto come from our belief statements. These beliefs are the foundation of our community, and shape our common joy and vision. Our belief statements are:

  • We believe that because every child is a child of God, imbued with a divine sense of worth, respect and integrity define all that we do.
  • We model our teaching after Christ, the Master Teacher.
  • We believe the home, the Church, and the school have a sacred responsibility to work together to develop in our students strong Catholic- Christian morals, values, and beliefs.
  • We believe in a positive relationship of mutual respect where teachers and parents collaborate to nurture, challenge, and support students.
  • We encourage excellence in teaching that fosters creativity, critical thinking, strong study habits, and a lifelong desire for intellectual growth in our students.
  • We believe in the moral and instructionally effective use of technology.
  • We believe that children need strong communication and relationship skills to flourish.
  • We believe in and establish a safe environment.
  • We believe that we are all called to serve others.